Saturday, January 8, 2011

Confession: The Unwritten Code of Parking Lot Ethics Should be Followed by All

There's nothing more frustrating than running errands in the middle of the day and spending more time searching for a parking space than actually searching for whatever it is you may need inside your destination. Obviously, if all spots are taken and you don't possess the superhuman strength to simply lift a small compact car, chuck it into oblivion and fill the newly vacated parking spot with your own vehicle, then there's not a hell of a lot you can do other than try to keep your cool and patiently wait for that highly sought after spot to open up. There is, however, common parking lot courtesy that should be noted, respected and followed by all drivers to ensure a pleasant parking experience for all.

The first issue in the unwritten parking lot code up for discussion is spot saving. There is only one way to respectfully mark a spot. If you see a vehicle backing out of a space in the same row in which you are driving down, it is within your rights to allow this driver room to get out while you sit and wait with a blinker on, thus indicating that you will takeover the spot upon the current occupant's departure. In order to respect the code, if you happen to see a driver claiming a spot in this manner, please accept the fact that you were too slow and move on. Now that you have the knowledge needed to successfully and respectfully mark a spot, it is important to also be aware of disrespectful ways to claim a space.

The most disrespectful way to hold a space in a crowded parking lot is to convince a passenger to exit your vehicle and stand in a vacant spot while you work your way over with the car from a few rows away. This is not only cheating, but is also a major threat to the safety of the passenger who is now currently without the protection of the inside of a five star crash safety rated vehicle. It shouldn't take a genius to understand that putting a 150 pound person up against a two ton automobile will never turn out well for the person. Of course, most drivers may just stare aggressively or greet the daring passenger with profane insults, but depending on how long the driver has been searching for a space and the severity of the driver's road rage, there really is no guarantee that such driver won't just run down your passenger sans remorse.

The second part of the unwritten code of parking lot ethics should really be common sense, but for some reason is not. The golden rule: ONE SPOT PER VEHICLE always applies. I don't care how big or how cool you think your ride is, you only get one spot. If you're worried about dings and scratches then maybe you should leave your cool car at home. Taking up two spots, however, only puts a bulls-eye on your sweet set of wheels. Consider the following picture of a very cool and expensive Italian sports car:

Typically I would stare at these types of cars with envy and get lost daydreaming of actually being able to own or at least drive one someday. Unfortunately, however, when I see one parked like this I can only think of slashing tires or accidentally walking too close to the side of it with more than a few keys hanging clumsily outside my pocket. Just because you drive a car with a price tag carrying six figures doesn't give you the right to park disrespectfully. It really says nothing nice about you, and seriously, who uses a Ferrari to carpool?

For another example please consider this photo:

It should really come as no surprise that Hummers are not compact vehicles. So, if you happen to drive a large vehicle please do not take up spaces meant for little cars. Again, this situation says nothing nice about the driver. The conclusion I draw is simple. The driver is nothing more than a bully. He probably spent his childhood days picking on kids through grade school, spent all of middle school in detention scraping gum off the underside of desks and dropped out of high school only to get a GED at the age of 21. I'm sure by now the driver works some dead end job making little more than minimum wage and lives in a rundown apartment because of the stupid decision made to spend all  money earned on this H2. Currently mad at the world, this driver seems to have returned to his grade school days as a bully by picking on smaller targets, such as the drivers of two compact cars originally meant for the two spaces occupied by his "tough guy" ride. 

Being a respectful driver in the parking lot has the potential to make days smoother for everybody. Nevertheless, if your patience still wears thin while looking for an open space on busy days please consider stress free alternatives, such as walking, riding a bus or taking a bike whenever possible. If you decide to drive, however, please follow the preceding code so you don't end up with unwanted gifts on your vehicle such as this unfriendly notice:

In other words, always park within the lines so you never have to read between them!

P.S. If you feel the need to print out notices and leave on the vehicles of jerks who forgot how to park, feel free to check out this site:

Thanks for reading!