Thursday, November 4, 2010

Confession: Gym Rats are the Worst of the Rodents

Of all the rodents one can encounter in a lifetime, I believe gym rats are the worst by far. This is due largely to the fact that you cannot easily dispose of a gym rat as you can your typical pest. It is not very plausible to set traps or call an exterminator, and once they make their presence known, there's no ignoring them.

Nobody should ever strive to be a gym rat. So, in an effort to save all of you from the humiliation that typically comes with the gym rat stereotype, I've compiled a list of traits that you should avoid at all costs. No need to worry if you find any of the following may be a reflection of you gym habits because I've offered suggestions on how to easily change and become a much more considerate gym member.

1. If you smell like a wretched combination of rotten eggs and pencil shavings, you might be a gym rat.

Personal hygiene is important no matter where you are so I'm not sure why people think the gym is an exception. I understand it is a safe haven to push your limits and sweat it out, so I don't expect anybody to smell like roses, but make an effort to mask you stink. Always apply a liberal amount of deodorant and do not wear the same sweaty, toxic clothes that you've been storing in your gym bag all week. It's just gross. Also, this should go without saying, but brush your teeth! Nothing is worse than helping out a stranger at the gym by giving them a spot just to be thanked with plumes of dog breath to the face every time they exhale.

2. If your grunting drowns out the sound of any background music or conversations, you might be a gym rat.

Exhaling is a must, especially during heavy lifting, and I get this. However, there's a fine line between necessary exhaling and obnoxious, "Look at me, I can lift big weights, yea!" grunting. If a little sound comes out, that's fine, but it usually doesn't need to be more than a whisper and never more than that inside voice we all learned to utilize as children. Grunting loud enough to cause seismic shifts in the earth's core does nothing to impress the rest of us at the gym. It does help us all point out the biggest douche though.

3. If you behave like a dog and mark your territory by leaving behind moisture deposits, you might be a gym rat.

If I wanted to swim, I would've gone to the pool! The last thing I want to do is mop up your salty body juices every time I change benches or machines. Bring a towel all of the time and, at the very least, wipe down the equipment after you use it. Want some bonus points? Use antibacterial cleaner or wipes that most clubs are equipping their gyms with now, as I really have no interest in your germs either.

4. If re-racking your weights is not part of your routine, you might be a gym rat.

Congrats man, you can bench 700 pounds! Sadly, I can't and should not have to spend ample time and effort taking the weights you used off. I am not your mother and chances are you are not five years old. Pick up after yourself at the gym. If you have the time and strength to load up the weight and complete your sets, then you damn sure better have the time to put the weight back. 

Those are the four biggest gym no-no's I can think of at this time. They seem to be most prevalent within college gyms. The few public gyms I've been to don't suffer from the gym rat infestation as severely. Why college kids seem to be less considerate, I have no idea, but it sure doesn't say much for my generation. Nevertheless, we can all strive to be more considerate and do our part to make the gym experience for others more enjoyable.

Agree? Disagree? I want to hear it! Comment your thoughts and opinions.
Did I miss something? Add to my list of gym rat traits.  

1 comment:

  1. AGREED!!!! I think if all followed these simple things it would be a much more enjoyable gym experience
